Follow me and you will see, the library is fun for you and me! --Dr. Seuss
Follow me and you will see, the library is fun for you and me! --Dr. Seuss

School Library
Welcome To Bridge Street Elementary School Library
Welcome To Bridge Street Elementary School Library
Our library is committed to providing a broad range of reading materials for our students. We believe reading is fundamental for a happy, successful life.

We encourage our students to explore the many wonderful resources available in our school library.
When your child brings a library book home, please remember:
- Have your child read for 20 minutes a day.
- Read to your child everyday- once you start, it will be hard to stop! All types of reading count-books, newspapers, magazines included. This will help them explore their world.
- Keep library books in a safe place.
- Treat books with care, clean hands and gentle use.
- Return books on time.
- Be prepared to pay for lost or damaged books (the full cost of replacement is your responsibility)
Most of all ENJOY!
"Children are made readers
on the laps of their parents"
--Emilie Buchwald
"Children are made readers
on the laps of their parents"
--Emilie Buchwald
Library Access
Library Access
Classes visit the library on a weekly schedule, but students are encouraged to visit the library as often as they’d like, when instruction time permits.The library is open during morning recess.
Circulation Policy
Circulation Policy
Students may check out 1 book at a time.
Books are marked “overdue” after one week and students may not check out additional books until their account has been cleared. A complete circulation policy is posted in the library.
Books are marked “overdue” after one week and students may not check out additional books until their account has been cleared. A complete circulation policy is posted in the library.
Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader
Students at Bridge Street are enrolled in Accelerated Reader (A.R.), the world’s most widely used reading software. Students may take quizzes on books that they have read to test their comprehension and build fluency in reading.
Computer Stations
Computer Stations
Our library also hosts a student library a 5-laptop computer lab which students may use to:
- Take Accelerated Reader Quizzes
- Look up books using the online catalog
- Perform directed Internet searches
- Find AR quiz numbers or book levels on AR Bookfinder
- Explore World Book Online
- Use the Lexia Literacy Program